Lewis Connolly

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Easter Liturgy

We rejoice, Great Spirit of life,
in the dance of Nature, the breath of spring time,
the budding blossom, the golden sun.
Here we linger a little while.

Loose in us our divinity within,
A Love for Life, A hunger for Truth,
A Hope for what can be.

From stony indifference, to loving embrace
Release our hard hearts from winter’s chills.
Here we encircle together in Eastertides’ chirping chorus
In victorious triumphant songs of joy.

Loose in us our divinity within,
A Love for Life, A hunger for Truth,
A Hope for what can be.

Tall evergreen totems of the living earth,
Models of unanxious presence,
Anchors of peace in our orb of flux,
Reconcile this interior self with beauty’s insight

Loose in us our divinity within,
A Love for Life, A hunger for Truth,
A Hope for what can be.

Kind hands and caring words reaching out to hurting souls,
Here we draw together our polarised selves,
Dreaming of hands clasped across gulfs of difference
That new life can spring forth from unseen places

Loose in us our divinity within,
A Love for Life, A hunger for Truth,
A Hope for what can be.

For here we linger a little while.
Hope engulf us, kindle the creativity within us.
Make us envoys of Love, and pathfinders to truth,
As we join together in unending melodies of joy.

May it be so, Shalom, Amen.